The Yarn
December 4, 2024 by Betsy Bird
Today on this list you're going to see titles about Eid, Mexican Independence Day, Día de Muertos, Passover, and more.
December 4, 2023 by Betsy Bird
Today you'll get holidays like Three Kings Day, Ramadan, Halloween, Yom Kippur, Dia De Los Muertos, and even Christmas Eve alongside the usual suspects.
December 4, 2022 by Betsy Bird
The holiday picture book fills a particular niche in our collections. With that in mind, please enjoy this plethora of holidays from all days of the year!
December 3, 2021 by Betsy Bird
Eid, the Cherokee National Holiday, Chinese New Year, Nowruz, and more are front and center in this round-up of the best holiday books of 2021.
January 19, 2021 by Betsy Bird
"I'm proud that we dealt with the darkness of the Depression head-on in this book; I just wish it felt less timely." A frank discussion of Passover, a beautiful children's book, and the state of the world today.
December 3, 2020 by Betsy Bird
This year I found a nice array of titles that I'd say are a cut above the rest. These are books that you'd be honored to pull out year after year for your holiday displays.
December 3, 2019 by Betsy Bird
An array of holidays! We've got some Thanksgiving, some Valentine's Day, some Halloween, and even a collection of different Jewish holidays all together. Some are books that were intended for a certain holiday. Others will simply fit in well when you do your holiday displays.
December 25, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Merry Christmas! And what a lovely day it is. But why should we designate today's list to only a single, solitary holiday when there are so many that had such lovely books out this year? This is one of my favorite lists of the month, so it only seems fitting to post it today. Here are the books based on different holidays that I'd feel perfectly happy reading all year long, they're so good.
November 20, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Every year in December I do this 31 Days, 31 Books series. On each day I present a different list full of the best of the year. Board Books one day. Funny picture books another. And somewhere in there I put out a list I like to call Transcendent Holiday Books. These are the books […]
October 15, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Older holiday books for kids have a tendency to be a bit on the white side. So I was thinking I was pretty slick when I came up with A Tiger Called Thomas for today’s discussion. But here’s the thing; I thought the version illustrated by Diana Cain Bluthenthal was the only one out there. […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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