Teen Librarian Toolbox
June 21, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Greg Neri. Now there’s a guy with range. If he isn’t writing a picture book bio of Johnny Cash he’s doing a middle grade novel on inner city cowboys or a graphic novel on Chicago’s South Side. Some authors fall into predictable patterns. Not Greg. I honestly never know what the man’s going to come […]
October 1, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Ghetto Cowboy By G. Neri Illustrated by Jesse Joshua Watson Candlewick Press $15.99 ISBN: 978-0-7636-4922-7 Ages 10 and up. On shelves now. Fun Fact: Parents these days speak in code. As a New York children’s librarian I had to learn this the hard way. Let’s say they want a folktale about a girl outwitting a […]
July 31, 2011 by Betsy Bird
It’s hard to have a favorite part of the Newbery/Caldecott Banquet to look forward to, but definitely up there is the red carpet interview portion. Each year Jim Averbeck whips out the camera and questions and has the luminaries of the field give their thoughts and opinions on a variety of schtoofs. 2011 was no […]
August 1, 2010 by Betsy Bird
I don’t usually start off with a book trailer, but for Yummy I’ll make an exception. Original music, a good use of the panels, etc. I might have wanted more real world footage, but that’s not essential. As it stands, this reminds me of why book trailers work best when they’re for graphic novels and […]
July 6, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty By G. Neri Illustrated by Randy DuBurke Lee & Low Books $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-58430-267-4 Ages 10 and up On shelves July 31st “Sometimes stories get to you; this one left my stomach in knots. After three days of reporting, I still couldn’t decide which was more appalling: […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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