100 Scope Notes
July 7, 2014 by Betsy Bird
We’re getting into the thick of summer now. Both the BEA and ALA conferences have come and gone. Folks are beginning to get a grip on the fall season. So before we go any further I’m going to provide you with a bit of a sneaky peek at Harper Collins and what all they have […]
June 5, 2014 by Betsy Bird
And the hits just keep on coming! Ain’t no party like a Macmillan party, cause a Macmillan party has superior brownies. So there I was, HUGELY pregnant with some major back pain attending my penultimate librarian preview in a publisher’s home base (I actually have three more to write up after this, so no worries […]
May 27, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Lest we grow complacent in our maternity leave, I’ve quite a few librarian previews just ah-waiting postings. And what better way to begin than with Lerner Books here? Everyone’s favorite Minnesotan publisher came to town in the guise of Lindsay Matvick. We ate pizza. We talked shop. We heard about what Lerner has on offer […]
May 6, 2014 by Betsy Bird
*sniff sniff* Smell that? That’s the smell of Fall 2014, my friends. Yes yes, I know you thought we’ve only just turned the corner into spring, but we’ve no time for that now. The future is where it’s at, babies! And right now the future is all about the fall/winter/spring books. Such was my thinking […]
April 3, 2014 by Betsy Bird
This is it! We’ve officially begun! Here is, without a doubt, the very first Librarian Preview of the Fall 2014 season. I’m so thrilled to be presenting it in its full unaltered glory. Chronicle Books, that plucky little Californian publisher, has really made a name for itself in the past few years. And now, with […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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