Politics in Practice
May 8, 2014 by Betsy Bird
The biggest news of the day came in the form of a single headline in The New York Times yesterday: New York Library Drops Plan to Renovate Flagship. Whoa! So. That happened. Wowzah. This news comes to us less than a week after Coldplay (yes, that Coldplay) hid something in one of the books […]
July 16, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Well a tip of the hat and an apology to Mr. Schu. Looks like he in the guise of Babymouse came to visit me at The Children’s Center at 42nd Street located in the main branch of NYPL. Alas, I am no longer in that location, having been picked up and dropped off in Long […]
February 13, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Before we begin I would like to have a few words with the publishers on behalf of catalogers nationwide. Ahem. Hi, guys. How’s it going? Heckuva weird weather we’ve had lately, right? Yeah . . . so . . . here’s the thing. You know how you’ve been rereleasing a couple classic children’s books recently […]
September 13, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Howdy-do, folks. Today I am off to the Yonkers Library to participate in a Charles Dickens panel with some experts in the field. Why me? I don’t precisely know but I’m honored to be asked. Plus the train ride will allow me to read my new Lemony Snicket book (this would be the children’s literature […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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