The Yarn
March 8, 2023 by Betsy Bird
Three American children's book publishers (two of whom are the actual friggin' presidents of two of the "Big Five" companies), a rep for Portugal, a rep for Germany, a Professor from Italy and an author (who is also one of those publishers) gather to discuss censorship. This is going to be interesting.
March 22, 2016 by Betsy Bird
We’re diving right in today. Check out this killer poster: Now if you’re one of the lucky ducks living in NYC, or will be there on the date of 4/16, you now have your marching orders. This is an event held at Bank Street College of Education and in wracking my brains I can’t think […]
January 31, 2014 by Betsy Bird
My Children’s Literary Salons at NYPL continue unabated. This Saturday’s event? Well, we’ve some primo talent that I’m sure you would like to know better. So if you aren’t prepping for the Super Bowl, come on down! We’d love to have you. New York Public Library’s Children’s Literary Salon is pleased to announce our upcoming […]
June 6, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Morning, fellow plebes! And isn’t the weather just fine and dandy these last few days? It has been in New York anyway. Which is to say, it feels like we briefly stole San Francisco’s temperatures for our own use this week. Giving it back is going to be awful. To take my mind off that, […]
August 10, 2012 by Betsy Bird
I apologize for the recent radio silence, folks. There’s something goofy in the state of Fuse 8. For one thing, I can’t seem to comment on my own posts. Most peculiar. I will assume that this is just a passing fancy of the blog and that all will be well and good from this day […]
April 8, 2011 by Betsy Bird
All right. Enough with Italy and all that. Let’s get back into the swing of things here. I feel like Fusenewsing it up and ain’t nuthin’ but nuthin’ gonna stop me. And trust me, there were a couple things I missed while I was gone. Like, say, April Fool’s Day. Remember that this time last […]
March 24, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Matt and I are continuing to prep for our upcoming trip to Bologna. So far I have been advised by my readers to eat a lot of gelato (done and done!) and to wear comfortable shoes. I think I can promise that . . . I think. Currently I’m having the heels on my favorite […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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