100 Scope Notes
April 12, 2017 by Betsy Bird
It’s Poetry Month, my dulcet darlings! That can mean only one thing. Time to come up with a new way of writing poetry. Today, the challenge is simple. Write original poetry, that makes sense, entirely out of the titles of books published in 2017. For my purposes today I think I’ll work entirely in the […]
April 2, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Back in 2011 I wrote a post called Poetry Month Ideas: Try Something a Little Different (note the conspicuous disappearance of ALL the images from said post and sigh along with me). Well, time has passed but my quest to find new and interesting ways to teach poetry, aside from the standard set of haikus […]
March 13, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Morning, folks. Bird here. Seems this book I’ve written with fellow bloggers Peter Sieruta of Collecting Children’s Books and Jules Danielson of Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast is in the last stages of completion. Fun With Copyedits is the name of the game this week, which means that my blogging may suffer a tad here […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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