The Yarn
May 24, 2022 by Betsy Bird
Any book that combines the vernacular stylings of Alice Faye Duncan, the intricate hand sewn and illustrated art of Chris Raschka, and the rhythm and music of the Mississipi Delta is a book you need to hear more about right now.
September 28, 2021 by Betsy Bird
I speak with Alice Faye Duncan about EVICTED!: THE STRUGGLE FOR THE RIGHT TO VOTE, coming out this January. Learn more about this too little discussed moment in history.
January 8, 2020 by Betsy Bird
Today, I am very pleased to be interviewing not simply one creator but a whole group at once. The Sowing Circle is a sisterhood of Southern Black writers. And, in their own words, the group mission is to "sow affirming words and images in the hearts of children in order to reap a generation that is inquisitive, empathetic and enlightened".
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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