Good Comics for Kids
March 18, 2020 by Betsy Bird
Essentially this could be considered a college course on both the role fables have played in history over the centuries, as well as a deep dive into what it takes to make a book as exquisitely beautiful as this one.
March 26, 2014 by Betsy Bird
The Fox and the Crow By Manasi Subramaniam Illustrated by Culpeo S. Fox Karadi Tales $17.95 ISBN: 978-81-8190-303-7 Ages 4 and up On shelves now In the classic Aesop fable of The Fox and the Crow where do your loyalties lie? You remember the tale, don’t you? Long story short (or, rather, short story shorter) […]
September 18, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Aesop in California By Doug Hansen Heyday $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-59714-235-9 Ages 3-7 On shelves now. Gather round me, o ye little children, and hear the tale I tell. Of a time when fairytales and folktales were as ripe and plentiful as the grapes of summer. When you could walk into any bookstore or library and […]
April 6, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Let’s talk Aesop. Specifically let’s talk Fables, a collection of Aesop’s tales by Editions Milan, illustrated by one Jean-Francois Martin. When Cristina from The Tea Box asked me to join her in sitting in on the discussion, I wasn’t certain how interested I would be. I knew that Fables was one of the few books […]
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