100 Scope Notes
May 17, 2018 by Betsy Bird
The other night my husband and I plopped ourselves in front of the old Netflix delivery system (television) and decided amongst ourselves to watch the documentary I Am Not Your Negro featuring author James Baldwin. The book of the same name had been circulating beautifully in my library for quite some time, so I was […]
May 10, 2016 by Betsy Bird
The title of the New York Times piece is Masters of Prose Warm Up to Children’s Picture Books. Innocuous enough. Inside, the article looks at the current spate of authors who normally write for an adult audience but have recently switched their focus to our youngest readers. Jane Smiley, Sherman Alexie, and Calvin Trillin are […]
May 31, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Honestly, I don’t quite know why I even bother doing Fusenews posts on Saturdays. As you might suspect, my readership dips considerably when the weekends hit, but an old Fusenews post is like a week old fish. Time does it no favors. As such, I shall cut through my seething envy of everyone at BookExpo […]
November 26, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Happy Tuesday to you, one and all! Hope your weather isn’t as bitingly cold as ours has been. Time to warm up with some fresh and festive children’s literature tidbits. Personally, I’m trying to figure out why I wrote today’s headline a couple days ago. I’m sure there was a reason for it. Hmmm. The […]
January 26, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Oh, you think the award season is done, old bean? Why we have only but BEGUN to hand out the 2011 awards! The Newberys, Caldecotts, and other ALA Media Awards are just the tip of the old iceberg. There are so many others to explore. For example, did you get a chance to really examine […]
September 27, 2011 by Betsy Bird
SLJ represent! Though I could not attend this year’s KidLitCon (the annual conference of children’s and YA bloggers) many others did and they have all posted links to their recaps of the event here. So while I could not be present, fellow SLJ blogger Liz Burns of Tea Cozy showed up and has a fabulous […]
February 17, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Lotso hotso news today, folks. I hardly know where to begin. Let’s start with the big news that the illustrious editor Margaret K. McElderry passed away recently. I had mentioned The McElderry Book of Greek Myths in my Valentine’s Day post earlier this week. Maybe she was on my mind. In any case, there’s a […]
June 8, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Sometimes I feel like a children’s literature news lint ball. I just roll about my merry way, picking up the stray bits of ephemera that happen to fall within my purview. Alternate metaphors: We would have also have accepted lint roller and/or dust bunny. Let us begin today with some movie news. If you’re like […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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