Press Release Fun: Nominate a Literary Landmark
From our good fellow in the field, Rocco Staino:
As chair of the ALA/CBC committee I am working with United for Libraries and the Children’s Book Council on an initiative for Children’s Book Week. It is our hope that during Children’s Book Week in 2015 that with your help United for Libraries can dedicate throughout the country at least 7 Literary Landmarks that are connected with a children’s book or author.
It would be great if you or your state organization would take the lead in nominating a possible Literary Landmark in your State. You may also want to work with your state’s Center for the Book.
Here are some helpful links that give you more information on Literary Landmarks.
Only 33 States have Literary Landmarks. Check to see if you state has at least one. If it doesn’t this is a great time to get one.
I have worked in having several sites designated as Literary Landmarks. Most recently we dedicated The Walt Whitman Birthplace a Literary Landmark. At the event we had a Congressman, State Senators and members of the NYS Assembly including the chair of the Library Committee. I am happy to say that the Landmark was cosponsored by Suffolk County Library Association, Suffolk School Library Media Association and the Lambda Literary Foundation.
Attached is a photo of the Librarians in attendance.
Feel free to contact me of Sally Gardner Reed or Jillian Kalonick (cc’d in this email) if you have any questions.
Rocco Staino
ALA/CBC Committee
Filed under: Press Release Fun

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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