Heavy Medal
July 27, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Today on the Fusenews we begin with a mystery. Help me out here, gentle readers, I need your crowdsourced wisdom to solve a query for the ages. Every week I get my new copy of Publishers Weekly and settle down during my lunch break to read it cover to cover. It is one of my […]
August 30, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Consider, if you will, the life of Gene Wilder. Since his death, many people have been doing precisely that. It makes me happy, but since I’ve harbored a not-so-secret crush on the man for decades (a quick search of this blog will back that up) I felt it necessary to point out that for all […]
March 20, 2016 by Betsy Bird
You know that nightmare you have where you’re up on a stage and you suddenly realize you have to give a TED talk but you have absolutely no idea what the subject is and you’re pretty sure you don’t have the little remote that’ll allow you to flip between slides anyway? That one? You don’t […]
April 21, 2015 by Betsy Bird
Mmm. Vanity straight up. So I never quite know how to post “me stuff” news when it’s particularly nice. On the one hand I could post the link with the typical “I’m not worthy” statement attached, but that always sounds as if I doth protest too much. Or, I could go the other route, and […]
August 27, 2014 by Betsy Bird
I have never, in all my livelong days, been so proud of an illustrator. And Mary Engelbreit at that. For someone as well-established as she is the decision to create and sell a print with all proceeds going to the Michael Brown Jr. Memorial Fund, which supports the family of Michael Brown, the Missouri teenager […]
August 8, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Required Reading of the Day: Roger Sutton already told you to read it, and now I’m backing him up. If you have not cast thine eyes upon Christopher Myers’s piece Young Dreamers in which he talks about the Trayvon Martin decision as well as Christopher’s own role in the world of children’s literature and the […]
April 24, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Well sir, it’s a heckuva week. Book stuff is happening out the wazoo, but for a moment I’d like to concentrate on what else is going on in the wider children’s literary world. What say we Fusenews it up a bit, eh? Of course there’s no way to begin today without a hat tip to […]
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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