Politics in Practice
July 24, 2015 by Betsy Bird
Recently I was admiring two different but certainly related articles online. The first was Mike Lewis’s Non-Required Summer Reading List, which is just the loveliest little PDF of fun summery read titles. A great list in and of itself. The second piece was the infinitely useful article How Teachers Can Create a Summer Reading List […]
February 12, 2015 by Betsy Bird
It’s not what I would call an overly well known fact but here at New York Public Library we are proud to include the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library amongst our branches. The site “provides talking books and magazines and braille for people who are blind, visually impaired, or are otherwise physically unable […]
June 21, 2014 by Betsy Bird
First up, my little sister. My daughter recently had her third birthday so my sis came up with a craft involving what she calls Do It Yourself Cupcakes. Each cupcake sported a teeny tiny cover of one of my child’s favorite books. Then we took them to her daycare where she delightedly set about pointing […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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