Teen Librarian Toolbox
July 21, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Meet Isol. Incredibly badass Isol. The fact that you may not know her name instantly is a crime. We Americans are fairly . . . how to put this . . . screamingly awful about paying attention to authors and illustrators from other countries. Isol won the most recent Astrid Lindgren Award, but she’s hardly […]
May 12, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Happy Mother’s Day! It was Monica Edinger who alerted me to the fact that fresh on the heels of the Matilda musical is an upcoming British production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. She has the details and directed me to this truly unfair let’s-not-give-anything-away teaser trailer. This introduction is a bit better. You know […]
June 13, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Sometimes a book trailer attempts to replicate the world of the movie trailer. Other times, they embrace television advertisements because that, essentially, is what they are. Now this ad for Basher books is far closer to the latter video form than the former, but you can’t mind that. For one thing, it uses a grizzled […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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