Politics in Practice
March 8, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Granted we are currently IN the Spring of 2012 so this is probably less of a preview and more of a . . . uh . . . here and now discourse. But by my reckoning Blue Apple Books is one of those smaller pubs that don’t get a lot of airplay next to the […]
January 31, 2012 by Betsy Bird
As publisher previews go this may be one of my shorter posts if only because the featured publisher of the day is not a large sort. I have had the pleasure of seeing the products of Tara Books for a couple years now, but it was only recently that Gita Wolf herself came to town […]
January 20, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Yeah, remember when I had that baby and everything looked like things were going to stay exactly the same, like nothing had changed a jot? Well, I’ve found at least one aspect of the blog that’s taken a serious hit since the arrive of the small Bird. Librarian previews. For some reason I just don’t […]
December 20, 2011 by Betsy Bird
There are many reasons to love Little, Brown but at the moment the company has my heart because their last librarian preview consisted of less than thirty books in total. And when you’re dealing with less than thirty books, typing up what they have is much easier on the old post-natal still-carpal-tunnely digits. So it […]
November 14, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Fun Fact: Librarian previews done in the presence of small attention seeking babies yield surprisingly drool-soaked notes. Not so drool-soaked that a person couldn’t decipher them later, but wet with the moisture of someone else’s mouth just the same. Still and all, the good people of Lerner Publishing Group (Lindsay Matvick and Terri Reden if […]
November 1, 2011 by Betsy Bird
At last! The season for previews has begun yet again! And as of right now I am (checks watch) four previews behind. Yipes! Guess we better get started then. If you want to read a recap of this same preview done already (and on time) though, check out this Early Word post by Lisa Von […]
April 23, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Previews, previews! Lovely little previews! And we find ourselves back at the Yale Club, across the street from Grand Central Station, and a whopping 10 minutes away, on foot, from my library. There are advantages to living on a tiny island, I tell ya. As per usual, Little Brown pulled out all the stops for […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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