The Yarn
October 20, 2013 by Betsy Bird
All right. Me stuff off the bat. I was recently asked to moderate a panel of authors for the Children’s Media Association. The panel consisted of Ame Dyckman, Joanne Levy, Katherine Longshore, Elisa Ludwig, Lynda Mullaly Hunt, and Sarvenaz Tash. During the course of the evening it was suggested that we perform a Giant Dance […]
May 25, 2012 by Betsy Bird
#58 Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt (2006) 31 points This one helped my daughter understand her anxious feelings in a fun, no pressure way. – Joanne Rousseau The last time we conducted this poll I considered Scaredy Squirrel to be the only true 21st century picture book on this list. Let me explain. Certainly we’ve […]
October 5, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Our top news story today is the fact that NOW is the time to start nominating books for The Cybils! The Cybils, for the record, are the only book awards handed out to children’s and YA titles as chosen by book bloggers. Books that win The Cybils are meant to represent those titles that have […]
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