Politics in Practice
June 15, 2014 by Betsy Bird
A couple thoughts on that video. First off, it is sung by author Deborah Underwood (whatta pretty pretty voice, eh?) and editor Arthur A. Levine (whatta pretty pretty voice, eh?) at what Vimeo calls an “agency retreat in Brandon, Vermont”. So I had to wonder what precisely an “agency retreat” really is. Well, there’s a […]
June 1, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Well, had this post just about wrapped up when the whole computer crashed on me. Viva la internet! Let’s see if I can recover what I lost. First off, the best thing in the world. Best. The world. Ever. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMSKgiygMxc&feature=embed He is, for the record, on Twitter now. I’m a bit reluctant to tell you […]
February 10, 2013 by Betsy Bird
So apparently in the 1980s the Brooklyn Public Library decided to take a page out of the Reading Rainbow handbook and came up with this series of kids recommending books that they loved. The result, so nicely posted on the Hairpin, will pretty much keep you amused all the livelong day. You just gotta wonder […]
January 27, 2013 by Betsy Bird
I wonder how much of my readership is at the Midwinter ALA Convention right now. Probably a big old chunk. That’s okay. Those of us stuck at home can make our OWN fun, even as we obsessively chew our nails in anticipation of tomorrow’s big ALA Media Awards announcements. This video should be enough to […]
December 9, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Oh, why not. Let’s just start with what is undoubtedly the best thing ever. Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the 90-Second Newbery and James Kennedy, the author and organizer, was clever enough to know how to start things off. It seems that Aaron Zenz and his Boogie Woogie kids have made another […]
May 6, 2012 by Betsy Bird
There was no question in my mind which video to begin with today. I cannot help but think that meeting Quentin Blake must be akin to meeting Roald Dahl. The man is a living legend and this video is a true treasure. Would that every illustrator were half so thorough when discussing the preservation, creation, […]
November 20, 2011 by Betsy Bird
That was this week’s Most Alerted Video. I had a couple folks send it my way and I admit that you simply could not come up with a better beginning to a Video Sunday. Aside from the fact that Fallon does one heckuva Jim Morrison, I love the choices of books he sings halfway through. […]
March 9, 2011 by Betsy Bird
After posting a video from the episode of Community where Troy meets his hero LeVar Burton I got a penchant for a little Reading Rainbow. The universe, it appears, was happy to oblige. First off you have a woman that I would love to meet one day. If the name Twila Liggett fails to ring […]
February 20, 2011 by Betsy Bird
When I first started to work for New York Public Library I was placed at an amazing near 150-year-old part of the system called the Jefferson Market Branch in Greenwich Village. My husband once shot a fantastic short film there in the clocktower, and I believe a Law & Order episode took place there once […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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