Good Comics for Kids
December 22, 2015 by Betsy Bird
In preparation for the SLJ Pre-Game / Post-Game Show each year I try to collect all the Mock elections for Newbery or Caldecott or Printz or Sibert or Coretta Scott King or really anything that’s out there. It’s mildly exhausting and you’re always bound to miss someone somewhere. Last year I dutifully collected the Mocks […]
January 24, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Phew! Okay, I did it. I searched and strived and sought out every possible available Mock Newbery, Caldecott, Printz, you name it. And those that took the time to post their results online or on my blog or on a listserv, those are the folks I have to present to you today. The ALA Youth […]
November 12, 2013 by Betsy Bird
ATTENTION!!! If you are planning on watching the live feed of the Newbery/Caldecott announcements during the ALA Youth Media Awards presentation, come half an hour earlier and check out my pre-game show where I will join cohort Lori Ess in discussing the potential winners. Afterwards we will note which Mock Newberys, Mock Caldecotts, Mock Printzs, […]
Good Comics for Kids
by Renee Scott
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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