Heavy Medal
September 28, 2015 by Betsy Bird
The problem with this Fusenews feature is that if I don’t do them regularly then the news out there builds up, builds up, builds up, until there’s so much of it out there that I’m almost embarrassed to do anything with it. Such is the case today! And, as per usual, I’ll say that I’m […]
June 21, 2014 by Betsy Bird
First up, my little sister. My daughter recently had her third birthday so my sis came up with a craft involving what she calls Do It Yourself Cupcakes. Each cupcake sported a teeny tiny cover of one of my child’s favorite books. Then we took them to her daycare where she delightedly set about pointing […]
January 4, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Allrighty then (remember when this phrase was a thing?). Time to whip out a Fusenews in this new format. Let’s crank her up and see what she can do! Let’s start with the me stuff. This happened while I was on vacation: The folks at the New York Times asked me to be a part […]
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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