Good Comics for Kids
July 21, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Meet Isol. Incredibly badass Isol. The fact that you may not know her name instantly is a crime. We Americans are fairly . . . how to put this . . . screamingly awful about paying attention to authors and illustrators from other countries. Isol won the most recent Astrid Lindgren Award, but she’s hardly […]
July 8, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Whew! Been a while, hasn’t it? I hardly know where to start. Might as well begin with my place of work, eh? You see my library enjoys making little movies about itself from time to time. When you’ve got an iconic set, how can you resist? In my building (big stone lions, etc.) my Milstein […]
November 20, 2011 by Betsy Bird
That was this week’s Most Alerted Video. I had a couple folks send it my way and I admit that you simply could not come up with a better beginning to a Video Sunday. Aside from the fact that Fallon does one heckuva Jim Morrison, I love the choices of books he sings halfway through. […]
January 23, 2011 by Betsy Bird
She’ll have a book contract within a week. This was undoubtedly the most popular video of the past week, making the rounds amongst folks who (A) like cute French kids (B) like Winnie-the-Pooh and (C) are aware that Pooh books are strikingly lacking in “singes”. Many thanks to BoingBoing for the link. But really, this […]
July 23, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Todd’s TV By James Proimos Katherine Tegen Books (an imprint of Harper Collins) $15.99 ISBN: 978-0-06-170985-2 Ages 4-8 On shelves now. You ever have that moment when you find your presumptions so upended that you just want to crawl into a corner somewhere and assume the fetal position? That’s a bit extreme, but it’s not […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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