Teen Librarian Toolbox
November 1, 2022 by Betsy Bird
Today, let's look at some recent and upcoming publications. Each one has something to say about kidlit (so to speak). Each and every last one has a point of view. But which are the good ones? We shall see . . .
April 15, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Maybe it was School of Rock that started the interest in working with children. Certainly the Goosebumps movie was an indication, and who can forget Jumanji? However you want to look at it, Jack Black at some point in the proceedings became the friendly face of children’s books adapted to the big screen. Considering the […]
October 1, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Are you ready to be scared? Because I don’t know about you but I find this new adaptation of Peter Rabbit for the screen to be absolutely terrifying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6c_uFAvouQ What’s rather remarkable is how they managed to avoid poop jokes. Normally awfully trailers are just rife with them. Now there is a distinct possibility that […]
July 9, 2017 by Betsy Bird
I just love the Evanston Public Library crew. Our librarians are uniquely talented souls. For example, each year they produce a new stop animation summer reading video. This year they got a bit ambitious and upped their game to a stop animation Rube Goldberg summer reading video. In other news, I thought this next video […]
April 12, 2016 by Betsy Bird
A lot to say and so little time to say it. Let’s get started! Today, if you are at all feeling blue, I suggest you read The Toast piece Jaya Catches Up: A Little Princess which is a killer breakdown of what is inarguably a problematic book. The Marie Antoinette portions are particularly choice. […]
March 22, 2016 by Betsy Bird
We’re diving right in today. Check out this killer poster: Now if you’re one of the lucky ducks living in NYC, or will be there on the date of 4/16, you now have your marching orders. This is an event held at Bank Street College of Education and in wracking my brains I can’t think […]
October 28, 2015 by Betsy Bird
Morning, folks. Let’s see, let’s see. After yesterday maybe it would be a good idea to do a post on rainbows and unicorns and cute little puppy dogs cavorting in the sun. I’m a little exhausted after yesterday’s post so let’s just do a quickie Fusenews of wonderfullness instead. First up, The Toast knocks it […]
September 27, 2015 by Betsy Bird
So, fun fact. I read a serious 2017 Newbery contender a couple months ago and it looks like they may release it in the nearish future (February 2nd). I’m calling 2016 as The Year of the Fox, by the way, since both Sara Pennypacker and Kathi Appelt have fox related middle grades on the horizon. […]
May 4, 2015 by Betsy Bird
“If kids like a picture book, they’re going to read it at least 50 times, and their parents are going to have to read it with them. Read anything that often, and even minor imperfections start to feel like gravel in the bed.” – Mark Haddon I’ve just returned from speaking at a magnificent writing […]
April 13, 2015 by Betsy Bird
The weather! She has warmed here in NYC! The crocuses and daffodils and purple flowers that I can never identify are blooming in my front yard. The birds are singing and there are buds on the trees. Tis spring spring spring! To celebrate, we begin today with a poetic celebration of baseball (a very spring […]
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