Good Comics for Kids
April 8, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Normally I don’t advertise author/illustrator contests and challenges but this one has something I like. Namely, Rube Goldberg machines. Actually, I also happen to like Lisa Graff. And I happen to like her new book which I finished yesterday and includes the aforementioned Rube Goldberg thing. The first to ever appear in a children’s book? […]
February 23, 2012 by Betsy Bird
“I just finished a poem where St. Francis and St. Clare double-date with Thoreau and Evita and it just makes me very happy.” My mother was the winner of the 2011 Prairie Schooner Book Prize because she is as good as it gets. No brag. Just fact. Prairie Schooner recently interviewed her as well and […]
August 10, 2010 by Betsy Bird
That’s what Neil Gaiman writes on Twitter whenever he links to one of his blog posts. “Warning: Contains Me.” Well, today’s a nice me-centric post, but let’s start off by looking at a “them” instead. Specifically, a “them” of awesome. Two years ago authors Jim Averbeck and Maria Van Lieshout had an idea. Since the […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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