Good Comics for Kids
October 23, 2018 by Betsy Bird
I know we Americans don’t talk a lot about the translation of children’s literature for a variety of reasons. Even so, I had hoped it would be bigger news when translator Anthea Bell died recently. Though she did not work exclusively with children’s books, she was probably personally responsible for one of the most successful […]
June 13, 2018 by Betsy Bird
I was reading the Social Justice Books post Scholastic Tells Children: Trump is Great yesterday, which makes a close and thorough examination of a new Scholastic Rookie Biography of the current sitting president. While looking at it, the piece got me to thinking about other relatively children’s books which have included Donald Trump in some […]
April 5, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Days like today exist to remind you that spring is not summer. Here in Evanston it is wet and rainy and altogether cool and unpleasant. Think then of the folks in Bologna right now. Sunny. Warmer. Full of gelato. *sigh* With that in mind, here’s a Fusenews that is occasionally drenched in a bit of […]
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