The Yarn
July 27, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Today on the Fusenews we begin with a mystery. Help me out here, gentle readers, I need your crowdsourced wisdom to solve a query for the ages. Every week I get my new copy of Publishers Weekly and settle down during my lunch break to read it cover to cover. It is one of my […]
January 22, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Normally on a Sunday I like to do a light little Video Sunday piece, just highlighting the vids of the week. Not today. In light of yesterday’s record breaking marches worldwide, I’d like to pay homage to the children’s book illustrators that used their considerable talents to support the march, marchers, and more. In case […]
April 27, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Hokey dokey. Too much stuff here to cover very well, but try we shall. Hold on to your hats, folks! It’s gonna be a bumpy ride. First off, you know how I was talking the other day about constructing the ideal educator website of children’s literature resources? Well, this might have to be one […]
June 1, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Well, had this post just about wrapped up when the whole computer crashed on me. Viva la internet! Let’s see if I can recover what I lost. First off, the best thing in the world. Best. The world. Ever. He is, for the record, on Twitter now. I’m a bit reluctant to tell you […]
May 31, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Honestly, I don’t quite know why I even bother doing Fusenews posts on Saturdays. As you might suspect, my readership dips considerably when the weekends hit, but an old Fusenews post is like a week old fish. Time does it no favors. As such, I shall cut through my seething envy of everyone at BookExpo […]
February 6, 2014 by Betsy Bird
It’s always the filler. I have this little file where I jot down ideas for posts on days when my brain is mush, and most recently I jotted down the old “casual diversity” question a friend asked me once. Figured it would make for a good quickie blog post and then I’d be on my […]
April 3, 2013 by Betsy Bird
There are some days when you are so utterly floored by delight that all you can do is throw up your hands and say to the universe, “I’m out!” That was yesterday. I’m out, folks. I hit the top. It’s all downhill from here. And I’m so young! It’s sad when you peak at 34. […]
January 4, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Allrighty then (remember when this phrase was a thing?). Time to whip out a Fusenews in this new format. Let’s crank her up and see what she can do! Let’s start with the me stuff. This happened while I was on vacation: The folks at the New York Times asked me to be a part […]
December 16, 2012 by Betsy Bird
I think the nicest thing about the internet, for me anyway, is that if you wait around long enough things that you’ve seen live will appear online and then you can let lots of people know about them. For example, this video of Daniel Handler/Lemony Snicket and Maira Kalman is not new. It does, however, […]
November 30, 2012 by Betsy Bird
“Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again.” That would be an old line from a TV column in the Marin Independent Journal by one Rick Polito describing the film The Wizard of Oz. My brother-in-law Steve brought it […]
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
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