100 Scope Notes
October 31, 2017 by Betsy Bird
The idea for today’s post completely annihilated my original plan. In an early draft I was just going to gather together a variety of Halloween-appropriate links from over the past few years. For example, there’s this kooky post from a blog called The Haunted Closet (which is still running and fantastic) back in 2010 that […]
February 19, 2016 by Betsy Bird
First and foremost, this: That would be Kadir Nelson’s tribute to the Schomburg Library in NYC. In an amazing bit of research you can see that he includes both the old Schomburg Library (now overrun with ivy) and the new Schomburg together at the bottom. Love that fine attention to detail. In all the talks we’ve […]
December 27, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Well, the Bird family had a lovely Christmas down in old Atlanta, GA. We didn’t lose any offspring either going there or back again, so I consider that a win. And the presents! Whether it was the Matilda soundtrack (yes, I’m a million years old and still request CDs as presents) or the collected Pogo […]
December 11, 2012 by Betsy Bird
The jolly gift of the season, for me, is to have friends with oodles, sheer oodles, of talent just ah-flowing out of their gills (so to speak). Last year I posted about how some buddies and I got together to make Shrinky-Dink Christmas ornaments (which, in turn, led to Shrinky-Dink Caldecott jewelry later in the […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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