The Yarn
August 2, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Been a while since I indulged in one of these, right? Well, those Top 100 polls threw me for a bit of a doozy and believe it or not I’m only catching up now. Before I took a month and a half to post their results I had five or six librarian previews on the […]
April 11, 2012 by Betsy Bird
On to Viking! Viking This year I have carefully been keeping track of all the books that Kirkus stars. This is partially because Kirkus doesn’t star all that many things and partly because I like their taste. When I get a chance I go out, locate the starred books and read them through. One such […]
April 4, 2012 by Betsy Bird
And now the thrilling conclusion! Just kidding. I’ve lots more to do. But if you already read Part One then this should fall along the same lines. Razorbill In the past this imprint was best known for its teen fare. A slow and steady increase in their middle grade offerings, however, has turned it into […]
April 3, 2012 by Betsy Bird
It’s baaaack! Preview season is up and running and to kick it all off we begin with one of the biggies. Thanks to my new fancy dancy job I am now able to stay for a whole librarian preview without rushing back to cover the reference desk. So that’s nice. The downside is that there […]
March 8, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Granted we are currently IN the Spring of 2012 so this is probably less of a preview and more of a . . . uh . . . here and now discourse. But by my reckoning Blue Apple Books is one of those smaller pubs that don’t get a lot of airplay next to the […]
February 3, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Jazz Age Josephine By Jonah Winter Illustrated by Marjorie Priceman Atheneum (an imprint of Simon & Schuster) $16.99 ISBN: 978-104169-6123-9 Ages 6 and up On shelves now When we try to name the biggest and best picture book biography authors out there, two names spring immediately to mind. The first is David Adler. Mr. Adler […]
January 31, 2012 by Betsy Bird
As publisher previews go this may be one of my shorter posts if only because the featured publisher of the day is not a large sort. I have had the pleasure of seeing the products of Tara Books for a couple years now, but it was only recently that Gita Wolf herself came to town […]
January 20, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Yeah, remember when I had that baby and everything looked like things were going to stay exactly the same, like nothing had changed a jot? Well, I’ve found at least one aspect of the blog that’s taken a serious hit since the arrive of the small Bird. Librarian previews. For some reason I just don’t […]
December 20, 2011 by Betsy Bird
There are many reasons to love Little, Brown but at the moment the company has my heart because their last librarian preview consisted of less than thirty books in total. And when you’re dealing with less than thirty books, typing up what they have is much easier on the old post-natal still-carpal-tunnely digits. So it […]
December 11, 2011 by Betsy Bird
While the message is encouraging in and of itself, Joe Sabia’s TED talk on The Technology of Storytelling is also a brilliant example of how to do an iPad presentation with skill, humor, and facts. I can’t imagine how long this three minute, fifty-one second talk took to put together, but it’s kinda worth it. […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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