I think I have a problem with lists. I can’t let them go. I see one listed somewhere and ZIP! Instantaneous blog posting.
Today is the day I return to work from DC and BOY ARE MY ARMS TIRED!
Oh right. That’s not how the joke works.
Anywho, I’ll recap all the other lovely things that happened when I get a moment or two to myself (you understand how silly I was to go the old return-home-and-go-directly-back-to-work route). For now, take a quick glimpse and a gander at The Designated Dozen. It’s a lovely thing to come home to. Basically it’s a list of 12 children’s books chosen by the School Library Association (UK Edition)’s librarian of the year. Twelve books everyone should know and read. More than a couple surprises in this grouping, no question. First of all, just a great look at peculiar British covers. And I don’t dislike any of these titles, really. At the same time, I don’t know if I’d label any of them my favorites. Then again again, I think I’m the only person I know who wasn’t blown away by Saffy’s Angel.
Thanks to Kids Lit for the link.
UPDATE: Monica Edinger pointed out to me that there’s a Guardian article about this list that explains its true purpose. Tah-dah!