Oh, admit it. You’d have a lot of fun coming out to see a band this Friday, wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you? Well the bands of New York are definitely feeling good about finding their inspiration in children’s literature these days. Check out the notice I received just yesterday: Friday, June 15, the BEATRIX POTTERS, featuring […]
I’ve noticed a veritable plethora of books this year dealing with, of all ungodly subjects, math. It seemed innocent enough in The Puzzling World of Winston Breen. And I was willing to shut my eyes to it in The Lemonade War. But about the time I ran across a fictional work with a plot hinging […]
And the winner is . . . . (drumroll please) Midwestern Lodestar, Finding Wonderland, and Readers’ Rants. As the creator of this challenge so eloquently put it herself: The winner of the most books read (and highest page count) is Midwestern Lodestar, with a stunning 20 books, 5,433 pages, and 29 ½ hours. The winner […]
Reaching for Sun by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer. Bloomsbury. $14.95. Try this sometime. Read a book, put it down, and then wait a couple months. Let the distinct memories of the title ebb away. Your first impressions are tamed. Your fervor (of either the positive or negative variety) softens a bit. This method of reviewing is […]
Dear Diary, Day One: In the jungles of School Library Journal’s website our first day passed without incident. Granted, there were some truly frightening incidents but my faithful IT guides got us through the worst of it in one piece. I’ve already lost some dear friends along the way, I’m afraid. Colonel Blogroll was the […]
Particularly when they’re better at reporting on something than you are. Flee me and go read the Big A little a piece on England’s brand spanking new British Children’s Laureate. I can’t imagine a person in the world who’d be displeased that the winner is (dum dum da dum!) Michael Rosen. His Sad Book is […]
I’m as big a Harry Potter fan as the next guy, don’t get me wrong. But am I the only one who finds the whole Make Your Own Death Eater Mask part of the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix website a bit… gruesome? Kind of makes people play the part of Death […]
Deep shame filters through my soul. Shame based on the fact that because I fell down on the job you, gentle viewer, may have never seen the pen-and-ink wizardry of one Ruth McNally Barshaw. Perhaps you never saw her remarkable encapsulation of the 2007 SCBWI Conference or knew that she penned Ellie McDoodle: Have Pen, […]
Why, hello there. Don’t mind me. I’m just going to poke and prod around the place. Get a feel for it. Test the floors. Check the locks. Bounce about on the sofa cushions. You know. Really dig in. Change is scary but this is a nice little place for A Fuse #8 Production and I’m […]
So I’m in my library, minding my own business, and who should walk through the door but none other than newly minted fresh-as-a-daisy YA author Jay Asher! Such a nice fellow. I don’t usually note the nice guests to my library on my blog, but Jay has presented a fabulous encapsulation of the 4 Days […]