I don’t actually know if this will work, but I think I might be able to swing the existence of YouTube videos on my new site. Bear with me as I test this theory out. So what struck my fancy this week video-wise? Well, first and foremost was this mighty odd piece of news found […]
Or just those guys who want to pretend to be fathers. Kinda traipsing on the edge of fabulous, is it not? Thanks to Children’s Illustration for the link.
Hello, my pretty lovelies. My vocal little darlings. We have some very good news to report to you today. More specifically, Mr. Brian Kenney has some happy news to report to you today. The bouncy baby ad that everyone’s been just so very very pleased with is going to go away in one week’s time. […]
Go! Shoo! Be gone wichu. The Summery Bloggy Booky Blasty Thingy hath begun. The kickoff is a Gene Yang interview up TODAY at Finding Wonderland. Shoo. Scat. Get out of here before I apply me broom to your hiney. Tomorrow’s interviews will include: Tom & Dorothy Hoobler at Chasing Ray Mitali Perkins at Big A, […]
Authorial blogger round-up time. Here’s just a sampling of some news and posts that I spied with my little eye: Susan Beth Pfeffer (who supplied the summation of my life in the title up there) has a great post on the tiny flaws readers find in her works and how simultaneously ridiculous and exasperating that […]
Mmm. Nothing like a warm cup of Harper Collins Previews to start you off on your day. I always like to begin a blog post by pointing out my own ignorance/insufficiencies/what have you. It shows that I grow. Or maybe mocking yourself is just an easy way to begin any article. Whatever the case, until […]
Well Table #3 hadn’t quite gotten into the swing of it yet, so we didn’t get to everything. Some of the things we did see were beautiful and familiar though. Mary McCarthy’s A Closer Look is definitely making a play for the Steve Jenkins/An Egg Is Quiet crowd. It was fun to see the original […]
Time is up and it’s off to Table #4. In this ring, Tara Weikum and Farrin Jacobs. We see the brand new Meg Cabot manga title Avalon High Coronation #1: The Merlin Prophecy. Doesn’t sound very Cabot, does it? My notes taken during the talk about this book appear to be the word, "Hoodehoo". Quite. […]
Okay. We’re in the flow by now. We know the deal. So we’re at Table #5 with (I believe) Phoebe Yeh. And Phoebe is handing us… Oh my. Remember when the blogosphere went into a small tizzy over the idea of the Jenna Bush young adult novel? Remember how we decided we’d sit back, actually […]
And we’re at … oooh. We’re at the Joanna Cotler/Laura Geringer table. That’s super cool. Big names sitting here. They were smart pookies too. Got me to really want to read Fiona Loves the Night by Patricia MacLachlan and Emily MacLachlan Charest with illustrations by Amada Shephard. It’s a rather beautiful book with a vague […]