Your average everyday Harry Potter party is only as good as your co-workers. So when the Central Children’s Room of New York Public Library decides to celebrate the last book in a ridiculously popular series, you have to make it good. And fortunately for me, my co-workers can only really be described as "godlike in […]
(CONTINUED FROM PART ONE) But that was just the beginning. Because as you will note, I had a Kidlit Drink Night to attend to. Ho ho! Fun Fact: When dressing up like Rita Skeeter there are certain dos and don’ts to bear in mind. DO: Wear high-heeled shoes to the party. DON’T: Wear high-heeled shoes […]
(CONTINUED FROM PART TWO) Of course, I didn’t get my book there. Dan did and he informed me that it was like the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. The books came out and suddenly everyone was waving their voucher tickets over their heads, screaming. Not that this was any different from anywhere else […]
First up, I haven’t finished the book yet but I’m sure that the following television show, found via Galleycat, is an accurate representation of how the Harry Potter series ended. Note, if you will, the appearance of Ahmed Best (a.k.a. Jarjar Binks). Oh, how the mighty have… risen, actually. Not a bad gig. Now to […]
Infinitely bloggable. So bloggable, in fact, that I’m going to wait to tell you about it on Monday because A) I am exhausted and I have to work today (wah!) and B) I can hit one of the highlights easily enough without giving too much away. Imagine this: It’s Soho and there is an enormous […]
I apologize for not posting one of these in a while. With the switch to the new blog I’ve somehow managed to consistently forget when Friday is. For the full Poetry Friday round-up, please consult Mentor Texts. In any case, from the pen of Susan Ramsey comes the following… Emerson’s Eyes [Emerson] now got […]
Be to be with the remembering the following, sweet poppins. That tonight is the worldwide (official) release of Harry Potter and that celebrating with the NYC kidlit crew is most with the advisable. Full details for joining us for a Kidlit Drink Night / Adults Only Harry Potter Party may be found here. And a […]
Mouse Guard: Vol. 1 – Fall 1152 by David Petersen. ASP Comics. $24.95. The quest to locate child-friendly graphic novels is amusingly difficult. You wouldn’t think finding quality comics would be so hard. The public perception is that comics are just made for kids anyway, so shouldn’t this lead to an abundance of riches? Hardly. […]
Strong Man by Meghan McCarthy. Knopf Books for Young Readers (a Random House imprint). $15.99. Though artist/illustrator Meghan McCarthy possesses many skills, there is one in particular that I feel eclipses the lot. My thinking is that anyone can write, anyone can draw, and anyone can put the two together. But when it comes to […]
Today we go photo-tastic. First up, thanks to Leila I learned of the current contest up at Inside a Dog. I’ve never posted on the whole LOLCat phenomenon before because… well… because I’m not cool enough to do so. Anywho, the contest is to LOLCatify a YA cover, as done with John Marsden’s While I […]