You can’t talk about Australian authors for youth without the name of John Marsden coming up. Sorry. Can’t be done. If we are to believe Something About the Author (Vol. 146) it is because, "First, he is known for not talking down to his audience, fully aware that for many teenagers, life is bleak, challenging, […]
(CONTINUED FROM PART ONE) The Rabbits is the book that drew me the closest to Mr. Marsden. Certainly a fair share of credit goes to Shaun Tan but the writing in this title has a power that is difficult to ignore. For further info, here are Shaun Tan’s comments about The Rabbits as found on […]
(CONTINUED FROM PART TWO) Here now is my old review for the book. I wrote this three years ago, and would probably describe it in different terms today, but I agree with this sentiment all the same. First of all, I’m going to admit right here and now that I was seriously depressed as a […]
Bafflingly, when I say "The Day My Butt Went Psycho" in a crowd, the immediate reaction from friends and family is not, "Omigod the guy who wrote those books is sooooooo hot!" Most odd. Perhaps this is due, in part, to the relative obscurity surrounding today’s HMOCL. Though he penned the fun "Just" series (including […]
Laika By Nick Abadzis First Second (an imprint of Roaring Brook Press) $17.95 For ages 11 and up. On shelves now Dead dog books used to be a dime a dozen. Time was a kid couldn’t walk into a bookstore without getting whacked over the head with “Old Yeller”, creamed in the kisser by “Sounder”, […]
Let’s see what the authorial blogs are up to these days. I hard ever pay enough attention to those brave men and women on the front lines. In the realm of news to amaze and delight, Matthew Holm has launched his very own blog! Fans of Babymouse, you are obligated to rejoice as one. Mo […]
Being that the Summer Book Blog Tour was such a rousing success, The very first One Shot World Tour will cover the land down under on Wednesday, August 15th. Yes, Australia will finally be coming into its own!. The full lineup is visible below (with more info found via Chasing Ray): Seven Impossible Things Before […]
The Apple Pie that Papa Baked by Lauren Thompson, illustrated by Jonathan Bean. Simon & Schuster. $15.99. On shelves now. Credit Julia for this review. This book sat on my shelf for quite some time before Julia mentioned on a recent post of mine that it looked to her like a real Caldecott contender. Greedy […]
(CONTINUED FROM PART ONE) Everyone and their mother is going to be cooing, oohing, and aahing over the pictures in this story, and it seems a bit unfair to not credit Lauren Thompson quite as thoroughly. Her previous picture book, Polar Bear Night, always struck me as far stronger in its words than its images. […]
We had a lovely librarian in from Japan just in. Well, former librarian. Apparently her particular city felt that all civil servants are interchangeable and one day she was told, "Surprise! You’re working in the tax bureau now!" I’ve had that nightmare before. For her, it is real. *shudder* Onward: The Wes Anderson penned adaptation […]