Today it is my honor and privilege to present to you an interview with Ann Clare LeZotte, as well as a cover reveal for the sequel to Show Me a Sign . . . Set Me Free.
"I do not think that young readers are too tender for tough topics." I talk with Carole Boston Weatherford and Floyd Cooper about their nonfiction picture book on the Tulsa Race Massacre.
I ask my old buddy Cheryl Klein a slew of questions about her latest picture books and the state of things today.
Today I interview author/illustrator Abi Cushman. Hope you like process! If ever you have found yourself curious about the process of integrating die-cuts into your art, wonder no longer . . .
I have the infinite pleasure of interviewing Ms. LeUyen Pham about her latest authored/illustrated picture book Outside, Inside, as well as premiering its trailer.
Nikola Tesla! Inventor. Genius. Pigeon Lover? I talk with Azadeh Westergaard about her upcoming biography of the man and his dual love of alternating currents and city birds.
I speak with author Jane Kurtz and Ellenore Angelidis about their nonprofit Open Hearts Big Dreams.
Today, author Leslie Brody and I discuss Louise Fitzhugh, the times in which she lived, her genius life (and too soon death), and the coded, comforting messages she left in her books for the LGBTQIA+ kids out there.
Matthew Cordell stops by to talk about his latest picture book BEAR ISLAND and to discuss the grief and hope that went into its creation.
Recently it occurred to me that when it comes to bilingual picture books, there is a kind of art to their design. Today I speak to editor-at-large Louise May about her approach to the form.