Today, Matthew Van Fleet joins us to talk logistics, process, Bavarian ant farms, and why getting a hamster to run on a wheel is harder than it sounds.
Lesléa Newman and Susan Gal join us to answer some of my questions about their Sydney Taylor Book Award winner Welcoming Elijah, its process, and where they're headed next.
Black History Month can mean something as simple as remembering the ones who came before. Today I talk with the women behind one of the most talked about nonfiction picture book memoirs of the Spring 2021 season.
"Many people seem to think that writing nonfiction is simple and straightforward—just do some research and then cobble together a bunch of facts. But nothing could be further from the truth." Melissa Stewart lays bare the true story behind writing true stories (and facts!).
40 influential Latinas are presented in this magnificent hand-painted book. Hear about the sheer amounts of research Juliet Menéndez engaged in and learn something new.
Hope you like trees because today you're getting a bird's eye view. Author Lita Judge answers my questions and reveals a video for her latest dendrophile accomplishment.
"I'm proud that we dealt with the darkness of the Depression head-on in this book; I just wish it felt less timely." A frank discussion of Passover, a beautiful children's book, and the state of the world today.
"At the risk of sounding basic, I don’t think it’s possible to overrate the mango." I interview Mara Rockliff about her latest picture book biography and we end up talking fruit!
Today we talk with Harold Hayes, Craig S. Phillips, and Theo Gangi about street magic, historical figures, and their upcoming fantasy novel for kids Kingston and the Magician's Lost and Found.
Last year I just didn't read enough fantasy novels to my liking. This year? I'm making up for lost time. And what better way to kick everything off than with a debut that really gets you thinking?