Thanks to @doseofsnark for the link. Ah, Banned Books Week. It only comes but once a year (as opposed to banning books which appears to be a year long occupation). For the one stop shopping round-up everyone needs, bookshelves of doom has compiled just a top notch collection of links for the occasion. One of […]
As you may have heard, last week author William Sleator passed away. I met him once during the Midwinter ALA Conference in Philadelphia. He was part of an Abrams brunch in which librarians munched on food and spoke to various authors. I was pleased to get Mr. Sleator’s autograph on a book for a friend […]
I guess that there’s a mild irony to the fact that while I’ll write up anyone’s literary event if I’m able to attend, if I help to throw the darn things myself then suddenly I clam up. For example, with the possible exception of the blogger panel I had two years ago, I don’t think […]
Nice movie poster, right? Wouldn’t look too shabby in your local cineplex. Well, don’t get too excited quite yet. It seems that Sean Astin (a.k.a. Sam from the Lord of the Rings trilogy) is raising money to start production on this film, to be shot in Denmark. Lowry reports on the process, though she is […]
I’m not telling you anything new by bringing this up now, but for those of you who may yet be unaware, the great Brian Jacques of the Redwall books passed away last weekend. I only had the pleasure of meeting Brian once at an event at the Campbell Apartment, and he was charming. I determined […]
Well, far be it from me to begin with a Facebook link when I know full well that some of you don’t have Facebook accounts and still others can’t view Facebook links while you’re at work (schools in particular come to mind). But this is just so kinda cool that I can hardly resist. If […]
She’ll have a book contract within a week. This was undoubtedly the most popular video of the past week, making the rounds amongst folks who (A) like cute French kids (B) like Winnie-the-Pooh and (C) are aware that Pooh books are strikingly lacking in “singes”. Many thanks to BoingBoing for the link. But really, this […]
It’s always fun to see what other folks say about our specialty. I gave great cheers today when Matt informed me that Greg Hatcher had yet another post up about his trips through various thrift stores in search of treasure over at Comics Should Be Good. In this latest installment he finds a rare Meindert […]
Boy, I picked the wrong week to go about putting off my regular Fusenews. What we’ve got here is a veritable fusey newsy pile-up. I shall endeavor to separate the wheat from the chaff, but no guarantees it’ll actually work. Let us see what all I’m able to pack in for today then: Lucky ducks! […]
When you work with the real Winnie-the-Pooh you have a tendency to get complacent. “Oh sure,” you think. ” I know everything about that bear. Absolutely everything.” So it’s nice when the universe gives you a swift kick in the pants to remind you that you are not always up on your Pooh knowledge. Or […]