"If you can have zombies or aliens or robots in a story, why wouldn't you?" We're talking with Greg van Eekhout today about science fiction, his latest book, and the mortification of uncontrollable shape shifting. You know. Middle school.
Today we discuss Africa Town, a book about the last slave ship to come to the American shores and how the legacy of that ship is embodied in African Town, a community that still exists to this day and was founded by former slaves after the Civil War.
Girls. With swords. Slaying the gods they created. What could be better? I interview Sangu Mandanna about her new middle grade heroine.
Not content to muck with people's perceptions of butterflies, Rosemary Mosco returns to discuss her latest book and why venus flytraps didn't make the cut.
Why children's writers are sometimes the first ones to sing for the unsung? I discuss Meghan P. Browne's upcoming picture book bio Dorothy the Brave with her and reveal its cover.
Stand aside, water cycle! There's a new cycle in town and it's darn smoky. I speak with author Henry L. Herz about his upcoming title I AM SMOKE.
"...sometimes, it’s okay to make a scene." We're talking with author Emma Otheguy today about immigration, her own family history, and her brand new middle grade novel out in 2022. It's a cover reveal day!
Today we interview Ms. Jordannah Elizabeth about her sweeping anthology of Black women that made their mark on our musical history. Come for the interview AND the cover reveal!
Unconventional Conversations with a Black Author: Emmanuel Acho Discusses His Young Reader’s Edition
|From viral video hit series to book deal to young reader's edition, Emmanuel Acho's Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man is doing well. I have a comfortable Q&A with him about the last of these.
"I feel like our two most recent books both have a bit of resonance with the pandemic." I talk with Eric & Terry Fan about their latest book, its antecedents, and maybe its larger implications too.