Out of My Mind is as popular as ever and now, in 2021, we're finally seeing a sequel. Out of My Heart just came out yesterday and is the official continuation of Melody's story. I interview Sharon Draper about the continuation.
Rob Harrell's a busy man. Wink came out last year, Monster on the Hill's a movie, and now I'm interviewing him about his newest comic When Pigs Fly. Slow down, Rob! You're making the rest of us look bad!
I get to interview Senator Warren! From the moment I first laid eyes on her on The Daily Show back in 2009 I thought she was the bee's knees. She has a new picture book out called Pinkie Promises out right now, and I get to ask her a couple questions about it.
"We actually got a note to tone down the teeth." Hijinks ensue when I interview my new favorite funny picture book creators. If you read one interview this year, read this one with Emma Hunsinger and Tillie Walden.
“Certainly, definitely, absolutely!” T.A. Barron joins us today to discuss the latest in his Merlin saga, GIANT!
How do you walk a fine line with a picture book story about a dung beetle? Mark Pett delves into the decisions and choices he made with his latest book I EAT POOP.
Yesterday the blog Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast talked about the upcoming picture book ROOM FOR EVERYONE. Today, I have an interview with the author.
You last saw rock star Rhett Miller when he paired with Dan on No More Poems! Now they're back together on a new 2022 title that involves quite the Faustian deal.
Everything you want to know (and more!) about chickens and prognostication. Two picture book legends join together to give us one of the silliest new books on record.
What does The Little Engine That Could have to do with current conversations with children about equity? The latest book by Bob McKinnon provides that answer. Meanwhile I'm just happy that this interview lets me reference the Quad City DJ's.