Colleen Mondor has the full schedule up of authors and participants engaging in the SBBT thingy thing next week. The post is entirely linked AND the clever girl even made sure that my interviews would go to my new site rather than the old. If you’re interested my schedule looks like this: Tuesday, June 19th […]
I don’t know what to say! This is all so unexpected. To be nominated in spite of the fact that I moved and things are still getting patched up … well, I’m just stunned. >music begins softly< No! No, wait! I want to thank my husband and my parents and my readers. I want to […]
Happy happy joy joy! A couple lovely readers out there might have discovered Shelley Pearsall’s remarkable All of the Above last year. It fell into the category of Fun Titles With Covers They Don’t Deserve. Still don’t remember it? Here’s a peek at what it used to look like. And here is what it looks […]
Does that term mean anything to you at all? Well it should. The great and wonderful Colleen Mondor (who doesn’t get nearly enough air-time on this blog simply because she works primarily in the world of YA) has organized a Blog Blast Tour of heretofore unbelievable depth and intelligence. Starting next Sunday, with an interview […]
I feel bad reporting on this because there were two book release parties I wanted to go to last week and I could only attend just one. The one I didn’t attend was Meghan McCarthy’s release for her magnificent Strong Man. It came on the same day as my husband’s birthday party and we danced […]
There was also a nice arrangement of Ms. Blume’s latest work in a motif worthy of the nicest conference center display. So I had some champagne and spoke with a nice publicist who gave me his card. On the back of the card, all in red, is the poem Desiderata in its entirety. Kinda neat. […]
The group First Book, dedicated to getting books into the hands of small children everywhere, is mere moments away from distributing their 5 millionth book. How best to celebrate? They have launched a new campaign with a handy dandy poll. Say they, "Share the memory of your beloved first book, then help the next generation […]
Hey look! I just figured out how to post images! Ain’t it something! My inaugural image? Check out the weirdo cover of the British edition of Titan’s Curse. *shudder*
Remember how they all said that the e-book would replace its paper equivalents. How we all laughed at the thought! "Ha ha," said we. "Ha ha!" Well, it looks as if the battle is hardly over. It has, one might say, only barely begun. To determine whether or not e-books can ever be profitable, two […]
I’ve discussed book jackets and titles. I’ve discussed the flap copy that appears on books and the importance of the appearance of a jacket’s spine. So what does that leave us(besides, y’know, the text or some such nonsense)? You guessed it. Dedications! Wonderful, magnificent, nerve-wracking, gut-churning dedications. Well, The Guardian (yes, I did steal all […]