Tonight, if you’re anything like myself, you’ll be cuddling up to a big bowl of popcorn to watch the Academy Awards get handed out. This year the animated short films are where you can find the most familiar name in children’s literature. First and foremost would have to be Shaun Tan (of The Arrival and […]
New York, she is so snowy these days! I’ve lived in this pleasant burg roundabout six years, by my count, but this is the first winter where the weather decided to bring back memories of my Michiganian (Michigander? Michiganolian?) youth. Well, a good Fusenews is the perfect solution for any snowy day. On to the […]
Julie Fortenberry, I kiss your tiny feet. I’ve known for years that Shaun Tan had been transferring his efforts from books to filmmaking, but I’d not seen the fruits of his or anyone else’s labor. Now we have a trailer for his remarkable The Lost Thing. My sole regret is that there is nowhere for […]
Recently Neil Gaiman and Shaun Tan sat down at the Sydney Opera House to discuss their work. The result is a series of interviews on the opera house’s website. I once was speaking to a musician about Shaun Tan and offered the fellow his contact information when Gaiman swoops over and says that not only […]
Tales from Outer Suburbia By Shaun Tan Arthur A. Levine (an imprint of Scholastic Books) $19.99 ISBN: 978-0-545-05587-1 Ages 9 and up February 1, 2009 On the face of it, I’m an inadequate reviewer for Shaun Tan. When you review a book for kids, what do you do? You take that little book, you pick […]