Review of the Day – Star Child: A Biographical Constellation of Octavia Estelle Butler by Ibi Zoboi
|With care, grace, and not a little cleverness, Zoboi doesn’t just introduce Butler to kids in the book Star Child. She makes it very clear from the get go that young Octavia was one of us. A supremely relatable person with a drive and output that far outstripped her times.
Marshmallow Clouds is one of those books that works so effectively for young readers that it feels as though the co-authors (co-poets?) had been honing their talents for kids, specifically, for years. One of those books that will subtly coil its way around your heart, even as you obliviously flip page after page after page.
Oh poetry, you funny little beast, you. Here are the titles that made my little poetry lovin' heart go pitta-pat this year. Hopefully they'll do the same for yours.
“Their story does not begin with whips and chains”. Today I review a marvelous testament to not just the power of reclaiming your own story, but the story of your ancestors as well.
Today's list is not particularly long, but it's a fun encapsulation of some of the Can't Miss Poetry of 2021. Take a gander and then read 'em up for yourselves.
Oddly sweet, melancholic, and peaceful, this is poetry as remembrance as well as healing. It is also very much one of a kind.
Here is my list of some of the best, brightest, loveliest poetry of 2020. Do not let these books escape your notice! They are best read every month of the year (and not just April!). An ode to the 811s . . .
I Wish isn’t going to sit quietly in a category. It’s the kind of book that would rather wander off and make up its own categories, expecting you to follow dutifully behind. And you will, because it is strange and wonderful and ultimately very very memorable. Can many other books out there say half as much?
I’ve no doubt that there will be plenty of folks out there that take one look at its simple cover, flip through, scoff, and set it down. More fool they. If you want a book that gives your children raw, unblemished poetry in a form they CAN’T understand and love NOT understanding, this is the book for them.
A fan of poems? On this list we've classic poets re-illustrated, first timers, funny poems, deeply meaningful ones, poems that tie into the moon landing, nursery rhymes, and many many more. There's something for everyone on today's list. Don't believe me? See for yourself