I hope you all took the time to notice the magnificent One Shot World Tour: City Living conducted by any number of our best bloggers in the biz. I had every intention of participating and then lost my head. Fortunately there are folks out there far more reliable than myself for this kind of thing. […]
Halloween is on the horizon so Monica Edinger (of Educating Alice n’ such) whipped together a handy dandy little list of recommended spooky 2011 books for the season. These videos take a bloody long time to make but dude, they are so worth it in the end. Now I should remind you that soon soon […]
If I’m not too incorrect I believe that today is the last day for SLJ editor Brian Kenney before he steps off and joins the White Plains Public Library as their Director. It was Brian who first tapped me to become an SLJ blogger, and who, in effect, “discovered” me. He’s been a wonderful editor […]
Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending my first National Book Award ceremony. That I had not attended one before is not surprising since (A) it’s pricey and (B) I am not in the publishing business or (strictly speaking) a member of the press. As it happens, my lovely President of NYPL invited me along […]
This Wednesday will see the final announcements of The National Book Award winners for one and all to see. Unlike the Newbery, Caldecott, or ALA Media Awards of any stripe, judges on the National Book Award committee are uniquely tight-lipped. They can’t even really give their own opinions of the books looked at (though you […]
As far as I’m concerned, every good blog post should begin with fiction starring Gregory Peck. What we have here is one of the luscious finds boasted by Greg Hatcher over at the site Comic Book Resources. I’m a big fan of Hatcher because when he does round ups like this one he always takes […]
We don’t talk enough, you and I. About the National Book Awards, I mean. Seems to me that the only time we pay much attention to them is when they release their shortlist, and by that point the only thing left to predict is what the ultimate winner will be. It hasn’t quite the same […]