Gather round me, little children, and let me tell you of a magical time when the Newbery and Caldecott winners were interviewed on NBC the day after their win in a regular annual segment. Then twas the coming of Snookie and suddenly children’s book awards weren’t considered newsworthy any longer. I’ve searched the airwaves to […]
This is probably going to be of the most interest to those of you who have an interest in comic book inking in general. Paul Karasik, who is the head of programming for Comic Arts Brooklyn, interviewed Jeff Smith while he (the creator of the Bone graphic novel series) inked a Bone illustration for the […]
Required Reading of the Day: Roger Sutton already told you to read it, and now I’m backing him up. If you have not cast thine eyes upon Christopher Myers’s piece Young Dreamers in which he talks about the Trayvon Martin decision as well as Christopher’s own role in the world of children’s literature and the […]
Dwell not on the fact that you were unable to attend the Newbery/Caldecott Banquet whilst your fellows caroused to all hours of the night (or so I assume . . . I left when I felt sleepy, party animal that I am). Now you can feel like you were there in the supple flesh all […] Oh, like I was going to start off with anything else this week. Dahl was robbed! During BEA, one of the women of the hour was our own Monica Edinger (who blogged about the experience here). Her upcoming book Africa Is My Home: A Child of the Amistad is so remarkable that it is […]
The last few days have been a blur, helped not a bit by a toddler who suddenly took it into her head that 4:45 a.m. is a perfectly reasonable time to wake up and that perfectly reasonable people should be up and about and WHY ISN’T MOMMY BEING PERFECTLY REASONABLE ABOUT THIS???? … WAAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH! So […]
Hope you all had a marvelous Thanksgiving yesterday! I had family in town, including my niece and brother-in-law. Steve, the bro-in-law in question, has a kind of genius for synthesizing down P.D. Eastman books to their most essential lessons. He’s always objected to Are You My Mother? on the basis that this baby bird is […]
#3 Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (2003) 198 points Proof that temper tantrums are an art form of their own. – DaNae Leu Top three betraying my love for fourth-wall-breaking. – Robin Parry Remember when picture books never broke the 4th wall? When I read this book to students after […]
#7 Knuffle Bunny, A Cautionary Tale by Mo Willems (2004) 129 points These perfect pictures of New York City complement the family tale of Daddy who is wrong, wrong, wrong, and Trixie, who is totally right, but can’t yet say words to tell him. Heartwarming and hilarious. – Diantha McBride And this is the book […]
#26 We Are in a Book by Mo Willems (2010) 59 points Great to read aloud. This book has a lot of emotions- humor, sadness (especially when we near the end), etc. Brings the characters to life- and teaches about the “metaphysical” on a grade school level. – Gina Detate After getting to know and […]