Howdy-do, folks. Today I am off to the Yonkers Library to participate in a Charles Dickens panel with some experts in the field. Why me? I don’t precisely know but I’m honored to be asked. Plus the train ride will allow me to read my new Lemony Snicket book (this would be the children’s literature […]
At approximately 9:22 EST on Friday, July 27th I sent the following Tweet to the interwebs: These are the kinds of serious thoughts that course through my brain on a given morning. I might hear a One Direction song (yes, I’m a 34-year-old mother, what of it?) and think “That song could be a lot […]
As fancy pants award ceremonies for works of children’s literature go, I’m certain that there are plenty to choose from. Two in particular stand out time and time again. On the one hand you have the Newbery/Caldecott Banquet. Longstanding, stately, a respectable tribute to the greatest picture books and texts written for children, the ceremony […]
It was kind of a kooky idea, I admit it. I’ve seen plenty of sites where artists will reinterpret someone like Maurice Sendak in their own styles. What I wanted was something a little different. I wanted to see what would happen if great children’s book illustrators illustrated one another. If a Lobel illustrated a […]
That author/illustrator Jarrett J. Krosoczka. He’s a good egg. It’s not everyone who founds their own youth scholarship, y’know. For the second time Jarrett will be hosting the 2nd annual auction for the Joseph and Shirley Krosoczka Memorial Youth Scholarships. The auction is already live as of this past Monday morning and it’s benefiting […]
“Jarrett Krosoczka is one of 25 hottest children’s authors in the nation.” So said Henderson City Mayor Andy Hafen when presenting Mr. Krosoczka with the key to the city. I’ll just say that again. The mayor of a city mentioned Jarrett being part of my old The Hot Men of Children’s Literature series when presenting […]
Good old Black Cauldron. So glad to see the Boogie Woogie Kids trying their hand at synthesizing it into its most essential parts. By the way, is it just me or do other people always hear Gurgi’s voice as that of Grover from Sesame Street? Big time thanks to Aaron Zenz for this link. Oh, […]
Somewhere along the way I completely missed this Percy Jackson video in which everyone from Brian Selznick to a moustachioed Eoin Colfer (when did that happen?) chat it up. Video #2 contains a bit of advice that John Rocco actually had to contend with when he made the jacket for The Lightening Thief: “Green covers […]
It’s hard to have a favorite part of the Newbery/Caldecott Banquet to look forward to, but definitely up there is the red carpet interview portion. Each year Jim Averbeck whips out the camera and questions and has the luminaries of the field give their thoughts and opinions on a variety of schtoofs. 2011 was no […]
I was pleased to see that CNN provided a quick look at 826Valencia (the first of the 826 tutoring centers around the country), quick though it might be. I do wish it offered some more practical advice on finding tutoring for kids, which is not an easy thing to do. Still, it’s a good start. […]