From sopping wet New York City here is your philosophical question of the day: If April showers bring May flowers, what the heck do May showers bring? Ponder that while I hand you a piping hot plate o’ Fusenews. My library branch is turning 100 next week (you may have noticed the pretty New Yorker […]
Well, far be it from me to begin with a Facebook link when I know full well that some of you don’t have Facebook accounts and still others can’t view Facebook links while you’re at work (schools in particular come to mind). But this is just so kinda cool that I can hardly resist. If […]
Lest we forget that book banning and free speech issues are conversational topics appropriate beyond the brackets of Banned Books Week, a recent news item has me lost for words. A federal appeals court has ruled, and this is true, that an Ohio high school teacher “has no First Amendment right to make assignments about […]
Oh man. Sometimes I just don’t manage to keep up with all the news. Lightning fast round today, folks! Keep up if you can. A show of hands. How many of you knew that the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis at NYU was hosting, in conjunction with the Institute of African American Affairs, a […]
Well, kiddos, it’s that time of year again. And what better way to kick it all off than by beginning with the Yahoo! News opinion piece Opinion: There is a time to ban books from school libraries? Once again, Lauren Myracle is the author on trial. Honestly, if you had told me three years ago […]