Chloe and the Lion By Mac Barnett Illustrated by Adam Rex Disney Hyperion Books $16.99 ISBN: 978-142311334-8 Ages 4 and up On shelves April 3, 2012 Pity the picture book author. Their lot is rife with strife. With a couple exceptions here and there it is mighty hard to make picture book authorship your one […]
Yep. Your eyes do no deceive you. You are looking at The World Premier of the book trailer for Mac Barnett and Adam Rex’s latest, greatest (yes, greatest) picture book collaboration. For one day and one day only I get to be the first person to show this little vid. Needless to say, I’m thrilled. […]
In brief . . . Yeah. I thought it was an Onion headline too: Werner Herzog reads potty-mouthed bedtime audiobook. I think that’s overseas, though. Here in the U.S. we got someone else. That’s a good headline. This one’s not bad either: Children’s author ejected from plane for bad language. Strange thing is, it says […]
Well, far be it from me to begin with a Facebook link when I know full well that some of you don’t have Facebook accounts and still others can’t view Facebook links while you’re at work (schools in particular come to mind). But this is just so kinda cool that I can hardly resist. If […]
Manners Mash-Up: A Goofy Guide to Good Behavior By: Tedd Arnold, Joe Berger, Sophie Blackall, Henry Cole, Frank Morrison, Lynn Munsinger, Tao Nyeu, LeUyen Pham, Adam Rex, Peter H. Reynolds, Dan Santat, Judy Schachner, Bob Shea, and Kevin Sherry Dial Books for Young Readers (an imprint of Penguin) $16.99 ISBN: 978-0-8037-3480-7 Ages 4-8 On shelves […]
I’ve been clutching this video to my chest for months, just waiting, waiting, waiting for September to come around. Children’s literature related? Not unless funky puppets count (that puppet makes me laugh every time). Just consider this something to get your groove on today. September is here (yipes!) and if your weather is anything like […]
The Clock Without a Face: A Gus Twintig Mystery By Gus Twintig (with some help from Eli Horowitz, Mac Barnett, Scott Teplin, and Adam Rex) McSweeney’s $19.95 ISBN: 978-1934781715 Ages 10 and up On shelves May 1st. Treasure hunts. Wouldn’t it be marvelous to be a part of one? I think the popularity of books […]