Camp Candlewick: Get to Know Ghetto Cowboy
I never attended a real sleepaway camp as a kid. Truthfully? I didn’t really want to. But the end result was that I never had the experience of so many other teens of being a camp counselor. Well, that STOPS today!
Meet your new counselor Ms. Bird. It’s all part of Camp Candlewick, an online program where resources are made widely and publicly available so that kids, parents and educators can easily follow along with age appropriate titles, activities and events week by week. Content hubs will be on YouTube and Pinterest since parents will be driving a lot of the participation for this “camp” from home.
Where do I come in? Well, I pretty much get to do my favorite thing in the world: booktalking! Fresh off of a panel discussion with G. Neri for the PAWmicon 2020, please enjoy today’s double quicktime booktalk of his now-starring-Idris-Elba novel, Ghetto Cowboy:
Filed under: Videos

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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