Fusenews: Don’t Go Breaking My, Don’t Go Breaking My . . .
Happy Valentine’s Day! It has been QUITE a while since I’ve done one of these Fusenews (Fusenewses? Fusenewsi? What’s the plural?)! Honestly, I’m not sure if they’re as pertinent anymore as they used to be. What with PW Children’s Bookshelf, and Twitter, and Facebook, and The Niblings, getting your children’s literary news has come quite a ways from the days when I used to randomly collect tidbits for my Blogger blog (and we had to walk uphill, in the snow, both ways, and we were grateful!). All that aside, I like doing these because there are still little news items I feel that it’s beneficial to point out. So let’s have some lovely loving posts for the day.
4,000 people attended the 25th Annual African American Children’s Book Fair on Saturday, February 4th. Just let that number sink in a little. Back in NYC I used to attend the annual Harlem Book Fair and it was awesome but we never saw numbers like 4K. I sense a shift in the tides and I like it. I also love that Javaka Steptoe made an appearance. Yeah!
Were you aware that the New Yorker did a slideshow on their site of all the magazine covers created by Kadir Nelson? We’ll just have to let that satisfy us until his next book comes out in . . . oh, there’s one out in June? June then. June.
Good old, Brightly. I like those guys. And not just because they happened to mention my own sweet little baby Funny Girl on their list of 17 Middle Grade Books to Look Forward to in 2017. Doesn’t hurt, mind. But I rather like all their lists, including the following:
- Books to Help Kids Understand What It’s Like to Be a Refugee
- Celebrating Black Authors Past and Present: Favorite Reads and Soon-to-Be Classics for Young Readers [I was flabbergasted by the range of books mentioned, to say nothing of the ones I hadn’t heard of yet]
- On Diversity in Kids’ Lit: An Interview with Ellen Oh About Flying Lessons & Other Stories
- They’re also giving away a library of books from our lists of 2017 books not to be missed. Here’s a link to the sweeps. Enter at will.

- The book has acquired its first starred review, and it’s from Kirkus no less.
- Junior Library Guild has selected the book (no small thing)
- And it received a shout-out in the Children’s Book Council’s Early Career Committee newsletter.
I’m a proud mama.
Daily Image:
Comedian Elliott Kalan may have 20.4K Twitter followers. He may have once been the head writer on The Daily Show. He may be married to a children’s librarian. But because he has a 3-year-old I find him most interesting because of how he’s been Tweeting about The Berenstain Bears. As such:
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
March Book Madness 2025 is Coming . . .
MegaGhost Vol. 1 | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Loved the Ellen Oh interview and can’t wait for the 2018 WNDB anthology!
Where do you stand on the ‘Berenstain’ vs. ‘Berenstein’ controversy?
Ah yes. This was brought to my attention when I went into the comments on Kalan’s tweets. I’m firmly Team Berenstain, though highly intrigued by the theory that there is a parallel universe in which they were always “Berenstein” and that some people unknowingly made the switch. That appeals to my science fictiony self.
The link for 2017 books not to be be missed doesn’t work. 🙁
The 2017 middle grade link? How odd. It’s working on my end. Try again?
Will do.
“They’re also giving away a library of books from our lists of 2017 books not to be missed. Here’s a link to the sweeps. Enter at will.” In the first sentence, the word “lists” in blue suggests a link. When I click on it, nothing comes up.
The books for Middle Grades list link works fine.
Hey, the whole Star Trek universe created a paralell reality in 2009–why not the Berenstains?