2017 Picture Books I’m Really Looking Forward To
Ending on a preposition and regretting nothing.
Here are the 2017 books I’ve seen that I’ve found positively delightful. These are all completely and utterly worthy. Put them on your To Be Read list today:
Baby’s First Words by Christiane Engel
I like a good book for the little littles where the fact that a kid has two dads is part of the equation but not the focus. Additionally, there’s a stay-at-home dad here that’s awesome.
Home and Dry by Sarah L. Smith
A peculiar little book, but I was very fond of its love of all things soggy.
Mrs. White Rabbit by Giles Bachelet
It is French. It is funny. You will enjoy it. Particularly the Alice in Wonderland in-jokes.
My Beautiful Birds by Suzanne Del Rizzo
A Syrian refugee picture book done in an entirely different medium – clay!
Prince Ribbit by Jonathan Emmett, ill. Poly Bernatene
Look. Any book that teaches kids to read everything critically is a necessary purchase in my book. Plus this is from the guys that brought us The Princess and the Pig, so that’s awesome right there.
Rabbit Magic by Meg McLaren
Books with tons of tiny details hidden within the pages are easy sells. I love the delicacy of the art here.
There Might Be Lobsters by Carolyn Crimi, ill. Laurel Molk
At first it just looks like a story about a dog overcoming fears, but the text reads aloud particularly well.
Tony by Ed Galing, ill. Erin E. Stead
I won’t! I won’t fall in love with this adapted poem about a boy and his love for the milkman’s horse! I won’t, I say! I . . . oh, darn it. Too late.
The Unexpected Love Story of Alfred Fiddleduckling by Timothy Basil Ering
Ering tends to write longer picture books. This was has more heart in its little finger than most books have in their whole bodies.
Waiting for Pumpsie by Barry Wittenstein, ill. London Ladd
Kids could easily get the impression that after Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier it was smooth sailing for African-Americans in baseball. This book shoots down that myth elegantly and well.
When the Rain Comes by Alma Fullerton, ill. Kim La Fave
Remarkably dramatic for something so short.
XO OX by Adam Rex, ill. Scott Campbell
The return of Scott Campbell! The pairing of Adam Rex! And I’m calling it now: The most fabulous romantic pairing of 2017.
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Just based on the cover alone, I’m calling the 2018 Caldecott Medal for My Beautiful Birds.
Scott Campbell makes me swoon. Adam Rex makes me swoon. The two of them together? I will need a fainting couch, please.
I want to read everything on this list. Thanks, Betsy!
I see a rabbit theme…
It could just be that I really like rabbits.
The Princess and the Pig is one of my go-to books when kids want a princess book or a fairy tale. I love it! So of course I can’t wait for Prince Ribbit.
And I just made sure XO, OX was on hold for me at my library-fingers crossed I can use it in a storytime early next year!
Canadian author Alma Fullerton deserves more attention in the US. Hope this book does it for her. That cover–wow!