Video Sunday: Not that anyone doubted LeVar’s godlike qualities
A couple thoughts on that video. First off, it is sung by author Deborah Underwood (whatta pretty pretty voice, eh?) and editor Arthur A. Levine (whatta pretty pretty voice, eh?) at what Vimeo calls an “agency retreat in Brandon, Vermont”. So I had to wonder what precisely an “agency retreat” really is. Well, there’s a perfectly logical explanation for it right here. I wouldn’t mind having the chance to go on a retreat but what I really want is to be in a band. Anyone wanna start one with me? I can’t play any instruments but I do know all the word to “Shoop” by Salt n’ Pepa. Does that count for anything?
And now, ladies and gentlemen . . . . why we love LeVar Burton.
Thanks to Jules for the link!
Our Kickstarter video of the day (since we always have at least one per Video Sunday these days) is a good one. Remember the Slate article that came out earlier this year called “This Is What a Librarian Looks Like”? Well the fellow behind the piece wants to go to ALA and do something with a huge swath of librarians. And for a modest sum of $3,000 too. Granted he’s already doubled his goal, but no reason why he shouldn’t triple it, eh?
Oh my! A hat tip as well as a big thank you to Travis Jonker for locating this video of author/illustrator John Hendrix. As a big time fan of his work, I found this a real treat.
Thanks to 100 Scope Notes for the link.
I wasn’t able to make Book Expo this year and, by extension, wasn’t able to attend the BEA Children’s Breakfast. So this Mem Fox speech at said breakfast is NOT persuading me that I wasn’t missing anything, people. Doggone it.
And for your off-topic video of the day, ain’t nothing hotter than women who make classical musical funny and incredibly difficult all at the same time. Love this stuff.
Filed under: Videos

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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I’ll be your backup singer.
You really need to look up Rachel & the Treeschoolers.
While Reading Rainbow was blowing the tops off the media, etc, this little known gem managed to eke its way to its goal for 3 more episodes to be filmed.
We have episodes 1-3 and are REALLY enjoying it. It is preschool by the creator behind Signing Time videos and is FANTASTIC.