Fusenews: Blink and you’ll miss it
Hey all! Before I dive into the oddities of the world in which we live, I just wanted to give a bit of a shout out to two distinct groups that allowed me to sprawl my librarian self all over their respective gatherings. First up, credit and love to Nancy Castaldo and all the folks who made this weekend’s Eastern NY SCBWI Regional Conference the success that it was. I’m mighty appreciative that I was able to offer the dessert keynote on Saturday. Moreover, thanks to everyone who came out to see my censorship panel on Saturday at the Brooklyn Book Festival with David Levithan, Francesca Lia Block, and Lauren Myracle. It’s always nice to moderate something that hardly needs any moderation at all. Extra thanks to anyone who stayed around for my picture book reading later. David Maybury I be looking at you.
And now, because the weekend was so darned exciting, I’m going to do some super quickie round-ups of the recent news.
- What’s that you say? Beautiful posters inspired by the work of Roald Dahl?
Don’t mind if I do!
- I have dealt with difficult reference desk requests in the past, but Benji’s story on dealing with a student looking for Effie? That takes the cake. Thanks to 100 Scope Notes for the link.
- All right. Love this look at what the voices behind Disney’s Winnie-the-Pooh looked like when it first came out and what they look like today. Had no idea Clint Howard was Roo. That’s gonna take some reconfiguration in my noggin. And I thought Thurl Ravenscroft was the first Tigger! No? Thanks to PW Children’s Bookshelf for the link.An
- Though it falls squarely into the Couldn’t Be Published in America category of European picture books, Sergio Ruzzier’s remarkable The Birds is WELL worth reading through today. And not just because I like the name.
- Ever been curious about the history of children’s theater in New York City? Well, you lucky ducks, I just found a post that’s gonna make your day.
- Confused as to where exactly I work and what exactly I work for? My job has gotten a bit more complicated since I became part of BookOps. This interview with my colleagues by Booklist should clear up any and all confusion, though. At least I hope it does.
- Take one look at this image and tell me what you think it is:
If you said it was an Anne-of-Green-Gables-inspired-wedding-shoot you would be correct. Sadly it wasn’t a real wedding, but you can tell it’ll serve as inspiration to a lot of folks.
- The title probably says it all for this one: Reading for pleasure puts children ahead in the classroom, study finds. Yup. Thanks to Amie Wright for the link.
- Hooray! The good Elizabeth Bluemle has collected The Stars Thus Far for 2013 and they’re a doozy. A bunch of five stars are up, but not a single six star book has appeared so far this year. Whodathunkit?
- Looks like we have a bookless library on our hands. Now the only question is whether or not we’ll be seeing the community clamoring for print or not. Not so sure I agree with the statement that “it will take more than 100 years before all libraries are paperless” (so that’s inevitable, eh whot?) but we can all watch this site with some interest.
- Daily Image:
Yup. That’s gonna be the walls of my house someday. Though the books will undoubtedly be thinner.
Thanks to Aunt Judy for the link!
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Penguin Random House Showcase
Thank you for the shout-out, Betsy!
I just wanted to add that my unpublishable-in-the-US book will be permanently downloadable for free.
I’m so generous!
Thanks for the link!
So it IS ok to color-coordinate books! If you want your bookshelf to look like that, you know where to turn 🙂
*shudder* The horror . . . . the horror . . .