Fusenews: “This book might change your soul”
Okay. News of a double quick time fashion today, folks. Let’s see what you can do with these yummy numbers:
Maurice Sendak as hot young man. Now that I have your attention I will now direct you to this magnificent interview with Phil Nel. As you may have heard he has a helluva biography coming out about Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss publishing this fall and Jules at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast has the season’s must read interview with the man on the topic. If you follow no other link today, follow that one. I wasn’t kidding about the Sendak photo (Jules thinks he looks more like a superhero, so you make the call).
- Jealous at all of those folks who can afford to buy original art from great illustrators? Wish you had the means? Well, here’s a solution I wish more people considered. Sergio Ruzzier was cleaning out his desk drawers and decided to just sell the extra stuff he found in there. Whether it’s a map of Thailand or some seriously laconic bees, Ruzzier’s got the goods. Just saying.
- Things that make you say, “Awwww”. I am thinking specifically of this lovely little piece from Horn Book called The Secret Garden’s Perennial Wisdom . . . for Parents. Yes, the title sounds schlocky yet Ms. Andrea Fox’s writing is anything but. It’s just good honest goodhearted honestness. Honest (and it’s good).
- It’s back! It’s back, it’s back, it’s back! Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!!
- Well, I’ll be hornswaggled. I’m fairly certain that the Parents’ Choice blog has never linked to me before. First time for everything! And I’m just pleased as punch that they’re highlighting this year’s 90-Second Newbery Film Festival. Remember folks, any kid can enter a video. Go to it!
That nice Travis Jonker guy has been busy. First he ends up on the cover of SLJ talking about eReaders in comic form (love it). Then he’s up and bought by SLJ! That’s right folks. 100 Scope Notes will soon be joining the happily family here. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer, smarter fellow.
- Here’s the deal. If you were me would you go see Eric Carle Museum curator Jane Curley speak on the topic of ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE AGE OF VICTORIA: BRITISH PICTURE BOOKS, 1837-1901? In a word: Duh. It’s free. It’s December 11th at 6:00 p.m. I am so there.
- I think my mom asked if anyone else had sent me this link to educator reformer Jonathan Kozol talking about the children’s books he’s been reading. That would be a definite nope. I’m glad she took the initiative though since Kozol’s great. He expounds on many fine points. Just listen to this description of Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse: “It’s a delectable story of an irreverent girl.” I am now claiming this description for my eulogy someday. Dibs!
- I’m very pleased to announce that the very first winner of the PEN/Steven Kroll Award Honoring the Author of an Illustrated Children’s Book has been chosen by a distinguished panel. Kudos to Carmen Agra Deedy, Susan Kuklin, and Vera B. Williams for selecting the magnificent Never Forgotten by Patricia McKissack. Just such a lovely work. Well played!
- Ugh. Reading articles like this just remind me that I need to do another critical review soon. Fortunately I found the perfect candidate recently. Stay tuned.
- FYI, our wonderful blogger turned author Gwenda Bond has a new book out and it’s getting reviews of the rave variety (and SHE doesn’t need to pay for them).
- Daily Image:
Book fountain, book fountain, book book book fountain!
Thanks to Aunt Judy for the pic.
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Take Five: February 2025 Middle Grade Graphic Novels
It’s great to see Cincinnati Public Library’s main branch fountain highlighted! I’d recognize that fountain anywhere!
Oh good! Thank you, Heather. I wondered where one might find it.
Wow, you weren’t kidding about Maurice Sendak. What a gorgeous photo!
It was my friend who said he looks like, say, Batman there. Sendak, that is. Can’t take credit for the superhero comment.
Anyway. I love that photo so very much.
WOWZA Maurice Sendak! I did not think you could possibly be serious, but there you go. Woof.
Looks like Max’s supper wasn’t the only thing that was hot.
And that would be Brooke Shirts for the WIN!!!