Video Sunday: Warning – Contains adorable children, bunnies, and Australians
Aw yeah. I’m breaking out the big guns today. Cute kids trying to raise library funds. The catchy song and good cause don’t hurt much either. Seems a little town called Shutesbury has been having a difficult time raising funds for a new library. Their old one is, as you can see “wicked small”. So they’ve set up a lovely fundraising site but they still need help. It’s a good cause. If you’re feeling generous you might try to get a headstart on your yearly “giving”. Thanks to Rich Michelson for the link!
If you feel you haven’t gotten your quota on cute kids, this lot have accents. British accents. Can’t get much cuter than that. It’s a promo for the app for the Barefoot World Atlas. A rather lovely idea and a nice way to incorporate nonfiction into an app’s layout, don’t you think?
You know, I think we’re finally getting to the point where book trailers have distinctive flavors. For example, if you had not told me that this next trailer was produced by Chronicle, I think I would have guessed anyway. Something about their trailers just stand out. They are, simply put, better than the rest. See for yourself:
By the way, I’m particularly thrilled to see this book since we haven’t had a really good sign-related picture book since the days of Tana Hoban.
As you may know, Mr. Sharp and Mr. Schu along with their #nerdbery corps are dedicated to systematically reading through all the Newbery winners from the 1920s to today. Mr. Sharp offers his thoughts on the best and the worst. Of the 20s I confess to only having read The Trumpeter of Krakow (the actual Newbery Medal for this resides in my library, FYI) and The Dark Frigate. See how Mr. Sharp ranked them:
This next one’s fun. Years ago I was enamored of a picture book called The Terrible Plop by Ursula Dubosarsky, illustrated by Andrew Joyner. That title’s a bit of a misnomer, by the way. No potty humor here. In any case, I was pleased to learn that the book had been adapted into a play for the preschool set. Now it’s coming to the New Victory Theater (just down the street from my library, as it happens) to play from April 26th to May 13th. Andrew Joyner told me that, “Then it does a week in Pittsburgh and a week in New Jersey. It’s a fun and energetic show – quite different from the book, almost like a clowning performance (although I think they give a straight reading of The Terrible Plop before the performance starts). I saw it a couple of years ago with the family and we all had a great time. It was put together by a local theatre company in Adelaide, South Australia, called Windmill Theatre.” Interested at all? After all, it does involve bunny puppets. Here’s the info and here’s the trailer:
Finally, for our off-topic video, I wasn’t really on board with this until the 1:30 mark. Stick with it. This is a troupe going by the name of Wrecking Crew Orchestra. Worth it.
Thanks to BB-Blog for the link.
Filed under: Videos

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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I think I need the Barefoot Books Atlas app. (But what I liked best, besides the wonderful accents and word choices, were their fingernails. Those were real-kid fingernails.)
I’ve been working on the Newberys (including the Honor Books) for several years now, and the 20s are rough going. I think I should just bite the bullet and read them one after another (however, I have the issue of new books demanding my attention). I’ve read The Voyages of Doctor Doolittle, Tales From Silver Lands, Smoky the Cow Horse, and The Trumpeter of Krakow (so I have The Dark Frigate, Gay-Neck, and Shen of the Sea to get through). I had to look up Tales From Silver Lands to remember what it was about–oh yeah, I remember hating that one, too!
Oh yeah–The Story of Mankind. Need to read that one, too.